Successful stories of weight loss through surgery are both plentiful and encouraging in the news. Celebrities from Rosie O'Donnell to Corey Harrison aren't shy about extolling the virtues of utilizing cosmetic surgery to assist in reaching weight loss goals.
Many of the reasons for open discussion about successful weight loss strategies that include cosmetic surgery center around the health benefits associated with a trimmer waistline. With Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease on the rise, many doctors are encouraging patients to drop excess weight safely and quickly in order to drastically improve their health.
Celebrities, of course, are also very focused on pursuing avenues for maintaining or improving their appearance.
Aside from constant scrutiny under bright lights and in extreme close-ups, there’s really only one other difference between the rich and famous of Hollywood and the average American: money.
While there’s not a lot we can do about the rich or famous aspects that differentiate the average American from the stars, we can help you get over the hurdle of being able to afford weight loss surgery.
Many of the procedures used in surgical weight loss are gaining in popularity across demographics and as a result are often at least partially covered by insurance plans. The first step in determining your personal budget for any type of weight-loss surgical procedure then would be to contact your insurance provider to determine how much they will cover.
If the procedure you’re interested in is only partially covered—or not covered at all—by your insurance company, we are happy to work with you on securing financing. Contact our office to set up a complimentary consultation and an opportunity to discuss financing options.
One of the most important things to remember about pursuing surgical weight loss is the immeasurable value gained in improved health and enjoyment of life. Losing excess weight can not only alleviate simple irritants like joint aches, back pain and sluggishness but can also reduce the impact of life-threatening conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.
While surgical weight loss can be an important aspect in improving your health, it’s only one part of the equation. A healthy diet and consistent exercise regimen are equally important in maintaining health.
If you struggle with health issues related to obesity, surgical solutions may be a way to help you reach your weight loss goals. Don’t let financial hurdles stop you from changing your life for the better. Contact our office today to discuss financing options or to make an appointment for a free consultation.