Cosmetic procedures, both non-invasive and surgical forms, are continuously increasing in the US, according to a survey from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). However, the organization says more patients are favoring non-surgical treatments such as Botox injection and soft tissue fillers. In 2010, 13.1 million cosmetic procedures were performed in the country, with […]
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Want a Healthy Glow? Eat More Fruits & Veggies
A recent study offers one more reason to layer on the sun block and eat your fruits and veggies. The study, published in the British journal “Evolution and Human Behaviour” indicates that a diet rich in carotenoids increases skin yellowness, which may be perceived as being more healthful than tanned skin. A healthy appearance has […]
Read MorePlastic Surgery Etiquette – Don’t Ask, Let Them Tell
Although the popularity and awareness of plastic surgery is nothing new (and is only on the rise), a certain stigma still exists when someone has undergone a cosmetic procedure. Controversy over altering one’s appearance by going under the knife is unlikely to fade for the foreseeable future, but we should all consider the proper etiquette […]
Read MoreThe Aging Face and Volume Loss
There are a number of factors that combine to make our faces look older with time, but the two most important factors are changes in the quality of the skin and the loss of volume. The skin quality changes that are markedly worsened by factors such as sun exposure and smoking have long been recognized […]
Read MorePlastic Surgery for Men – A Growing Trend
Today’s modern man, often known as the metrosexual man, no longer needs to hide the fact that he cares about his appearance. Where, once upon a time, cosmetic surgery typically applied mainly to women, an increasing number of men are now going under the knife in order to achieve the perfect look. In fact, according […]
Read MoreChin Lifts – The Fastest Growing Trend in Plastic Surgery
Have you every used FaceTime, Skype Chat, or another form of video chat, and you didn’t like the way your face looked? As it turns out, you are not alone. Not by a long shot. New statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons shows that chin augmentation and other facial rejuvenation treatments have shown […]
Read MoreHow Plastic Surgeons Got Their Name
The term plastic surgery comes from the Greek word plastike (teckhne) or the art of modeling or sculpting. The profession dates back to approximately 800 BC in Indea where forehead flaps were utilized to reconstruct amputated noses. The ancient Egyptians and Romans also performed plastic surgery to restore defects in ears and lips and enhance […]
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