As we’ve seen in recent years, reports are observing that more and more men are seeking cosmetic or plastic surgery. Among those surgical procedures is blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery. While men appear to be more likely to keep mum about their plastic surgery than women are, there is no need to feel embarrassed about undergoing […]
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More Men Seek Cosmetic Surgery Treatment
It seems that men and women have yet another thing in common: the desire to improve their appearance with cosmetic surgery. One thing does still differ between the sexes, however, and that is that men have a higher tendency to keep news of their procedures under wraps than women do. Regardless, according to, a […]
Read MoreBrest Lift Procedures and Various Scar Types
Because an incision is unavoidable with any type of breast lift procedure, some scar tissue will inevitably result. You do have the opportunity, however, to choose the shape and location of the scar. You should discuss this aspect of a breast lift procedure with your surgeon, who will be able to show you scars that […]
Read MoreBeyond Aesthetics – Cosmetic Surgery that Repairs
There’s no question that one of the reasons cosmetic surgery grows in popularity each year is the potential it holds to enhance a person’s appearance. We see the evidence of that on television, in magazines and on the Internet all the time. But there is another reason people turn towards plastic surgery for help: to […]
Read MoreCultural Differences Define Attitudes Toward Cosmetic Surgery
A fairly high percentage of youth in china say they’d consider cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance. That’s not the case in Australia, where a higher percentage of people consider plastic surgery a last resort for looking better. According to a recent survey of students at 30 universities in China, more than one-third of respondents […]
Read MoreCosmetic Surgery Stories that Caught Our Collective Attention in 2014
Like every year before it, 2014 saw an increase in interest in cosmetic surgery by both men and women. As techniques improve and recovery times shorten, more and more people find greater happiness when their appearance and their self-esteem are improved through cosmetic surgery. During this past year we’ve seen a number of interesting stories […]
Read MoreImportant Considerations Prior to Breast Augmentation Surgery
Undoubtedly one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures, breast augmentation was performed more than 290,000 times in 2013, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). This is most likely due to a continued societal trend for pursuing an idealized appearance and ever-improving techniques and technology. While this procedure continues to become more […]
Read MoreAlcohol Consumption and Cosmetic Surgery
While you may be tempted to toast to a successful plastic surgery operation or knock one back at a holiday party, most doctors wouldn’t recommend it. Here are 5 reasons why you shouldn’t chase your cosmetic procedure with alcohol. Alcohol Increases Swelling After undergoing a surgery, you want your body to be at its desired […]
Read MoreTreating Migraines with Botox
If you suffer from chronic migraines, you know intimately that they can disrupt your life, throwing your routine into a tailspin for days at a time. Who could go to work, manage a household or even drive with severe nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to lights, sounds and smells? No one. Migraine sufferers are often willing […]
Read MoreWeight Loss Surgery on Your Budget
Successful stories of weight loss through surgery are both plentiful and encouraging in the news. Celebrities from Rosie O’Donnell to Corey Harrison aren’t shy about extolling the virtues of utilizing cosmetic surgery to assist in reaching weight loss goals. Many of the reasons for open discussion about successful weight loss strategies that include cosmetic surgery […]
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